Minor Procedures Clinic
Dalhousie Family Medicine offers a a specialized Minor Procedures clinic at both of our locations. The clinic is staffed by an Attending Physician and residents training in the Halifax Dalhousie…
Maternity Care
The Dalhousie Family Medicine maternity care team consists of a physician, resident, and clinic nurse. We provide comprehensive care throughout the course of your pregnancy. Labour and Delivery Care one of…
Women’s Health Procedures Clinic
Dalhousie Family Medicine offers a Women’s Health Procedures clinic at our Mumford and Spryfield clinics. We are now accepting referrals from Family Physicians in HRM. Women’s Health Procedure Clinic Services…
Adult Developmental Clinic
The Dalhousie Family Medicine Adult Developmental Clinic sees patients older than 16 years of age and have been diagnosed with a developmental/intellectual disability. The clinic runs on Tuesday afternoons at…
Saturday Duty Clinic
Saturday Duty Clinic Patients of Dalhousie Family Medicine Mumford and Spryfield now have access to a Saturday Duty clinic for urgent, non-life-threatening medical issues. Phone lines open at 8:30 am…
Duty Clinic
Your family doctor is working with other Dalhousie Family Medicine doctors to ensure that you can be seen for same day urgent, non life-threatening medical issues. The Duty Clinic offers afternoon…