Minor Procedures Clinic

Dalhousie Family Medicine offers a a specialized Minor Procedures clinic at both of our locations. The clinic is staffed by an Attending Physician and residents training in the Halifax Dalhousie Family Medicine training program.

The Minor Procedures Clinic is held monthly at both sites. This is a referral based clinic.

Referrals are accepted for:

  • Joint and Soft tissue injections

  • Lumps and Bumps (no facial lesions, no infected cysts)

  • Mole or Skin Tag removal (no facial lesions)

  • Wedge Resection Toenail

Patients will be billed directly for Non-Insured services. a Pre-assessment visit will be required prior to booking the procedure. Patients will be notified at the pre-assessment visit if there is a fee for the service.

Referral Form