Welcome to the Dalhousie Family Medicine Clinics

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 5pm

Maternity Care

The Dalhousie Family Medicine maternity care team consists of a physician, resident, and clinic nurse.  We provide comprehensive care throughout the course of your pregnancy.

Labour and Delivery Care

One of our maternity care physicians and family medicine residents are on call every day. The team is responsible for you when you present to the hospital in labour or if you need any care after hours.

Occasionally, we have another call group called PMC (Primary Maternity Care group) cover our patients. There will always be a family medicine resident as part of the maternity care team.

The team will share information about your progress when you reach the final stages of your pregnancy or have any problems. We encourage you to discuss your wishes about labour and delivery with your maternity care physician so that it can be shared with the team who will be caring for you in the hospital.

Care Between Visits

We provide 24/7 coverage. If between visits, you need to speak with a nurse or physician about a problem or concern relating to your pregnancy please contact us at either of our Mumford or Spryfield Dalhousie Family Medicine clinics.

For more information, please download our Maternity Care Brochure:

Dalhousie Family Medicine – Maternity Care